Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Special features - Campaign Creation Process

In this section, only the differences respect to the Loyalty Program are listed. For a more detailed presentation of Loyalty Program - Campaign Creation Process, please click here.


The option to configure Private campaigns is not enabled (PRO Partner itself is already quite private!)


Products Line up are not customizable in the Admin Area. It is mandatory to pick out between the preloaded categories:  RAC, PAC, VRF, GHP and A2W.

The reason why is that installers can submit points requests only for those product ranges for which they have an accreditation. As a result, when uploading a list of participating products, key users must pay attention to use the same product line up as indicated in the Admin Area.


Serial Numbers check is shared with Loyalty Program

If an history of serial numbers used in previous offline promotions was already uploaded within the Loyalty Program module, the serial numbers check will also work for the PRO Partner Loyalty.

You do not need to upload the same excel file twice.



New “Warranty type” gifts available.